We are..
An Evangelical Church… JESUS CHRIST IS OUR LIFE AND HOPE! The message of the Gospel, the “Good News” about Jesus Christ is the center of our faith, life and teaching. He is God’s Son, Lord and Savior.
A Biblical Church… GOD’S WORD IS OUR LIGHT AND TRUTH! The Old and New Testaments are the revealed, inspired and infallible Word of God and the only norm for doctrine, faith and life. All of the Bible points to Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World.
A Confessional Church… OUR HERITAGE INFORMS OUR FAITH! We subscribe to the three ancient historic Christian Creeds: the Apostles, the Nicene and the Athansian. And to the confessional book of the Lutheran Church known as the The Book of Concord of 1580. Our identity is Lutheran — our unity is in Christ Jesus who is Lord of the Church!
A Sacramental Church… GOD CLAIMS US AND EMPOWERS US! We believes God has given two Sacraments in His Church: Baptism for the new birth of faith unto God, and the Lord’s Supper to nurture our faith and life under God. Through them, God is present with us and gives us forgiveness, renewal and power to live by faith and serve in love.
A Liturgical Church… FOLLOWING AN HISTORIC WAY OF WORSHIP. Our primary form of worship follows the liturgy in the Lutheran Worship hymnal. We also worship in a less formal style through our “Celebrations!” services. This way we express our belief in both the transcendence of God as well as his clseness to us in Word, Sacrament and Spirit. (John 4:24)
A Historical Church… ROOTS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. Lutherans do not see themselves as another Protestant denomination. Rather, we identify ourselves as a modern expression of the “one, Holy Christian, catholic (“universal”) and apostolic church” as confessed in the classical Christian Creeds. Our lineage passes back through the Reformation movement of the 16th century, through the catholic, Christian tradition, and then back into the New Testament era.
The St. Louis-based Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, founded in 1847, has 2.5 million baptized members in 6150 congregations served by more than 9,000 pastors. The church, which ranks as one of the 10 largest Christian denominations in the United States, owns and operates the KUFO radio stations, two seminaries, 10 colleges and universities, and the largest Protestant parochial school system in America. The LCMS is in full doctrinal fellowship with 29 other confessional Lutheran churches on six continents, supports 650 missionaries in some 85 countries around the globe. They are also the founding partner of Lutheran Services in America, one of the largest social-services organizations.