What is the Sanctus?
The word “Sanctus” comes from the Latin word for “holy.” The first words of the Sanctus are “holy, holy, holy.” The Sanctus joins the song of heaven found in Isaiah 6 with the song of the saints on earth sung on Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:9). Heaven and earth join together in this feast of salvation.
What does the Sanctus have to do with our worship?
We join the saints in heaven in singing praise to God for the blessings of His grace. The song of heaven (Isaiah 6:3) is joined with the song of the saints on earth (Matthew 21:9). The term “Hosanna” means “save us, we pray.” As we prepare to receive the feast Jesus brings us, we sing salvation’s song, joining our song with that of the saints in heaven, who enjoy the marriage feast of the Lamb.
What does the Bible have to say about this?
Isaiah 6 – Isaiah has a vision where he is in the presence of God. The seraphim sing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory.” Isaiah thinks he is going to die because he is in God’s presence. God redeems him from sin and sends him to preach.
Matthew 21:1-11 – Jesus enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The people wave palm branches and sing “Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Revelation 5 – The Lamb who was slain takes His place in heaven and opens the Word of grace to God’s people. They respond by singing, “Holy, holy, holy.”
Revelation 7 – The host of heaven wave palm branches and sing salvation’s song.
Teach them the meaning of “hosanna.” Find instances in life where we sing this to Jesus as He comes to meet our needs. You may want to sing the following hymns from Lutheran Service Book: 441,442, 443, 507, 549, 525, 676, 677.
Object Lesson
Ask them to name some people they worship with at church. Who do they know in other churches? Think of all the people around the world who worship Jesus. Think of the people we love who are in heaven. Think of all the people in heaven. We all join together to worship Jesus. The “holy, holy. holy” part of our worship is to remind us of that.
Lord, God, we thank you for answering our “hosannas” by saving us in Jesus. Help us always to join other believers in singing “holy, holy, holy,” to You for all you have done. In Jesus’ name. Amen.