Youth Group Schedule
Youth Group meeting schedule through August
Youth Group meeting schedule through August
What is the Benediction? The benediction is the blessing at the end of the service. God grants us these blessings as we walk by grace through faith. The words of the benediction in this service are the words God commanded Moses to speak to the children of Israel. What does it have to do with … [Read more…]
What is the Prayer of Thanksgiving? This is the prayer that follows our reception of the Sacrament of the Altar. There are several prayers in our order of worship. The pastor chooses which one to use. Both are prayers that thank God for the blessings He gives in the Sacrament. What does it have to … [Read more…]
What is the Thanksgiving? These are the words “O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good, and His mercy endures forever.” They are found in various Psalms. These words have traditionally been used by Christian families at the close of a meal. What does it have to do with our worship? We have … [Read more…]
What is the Nunc Dimittus? The Nunc Dimittus is a celebration of God’s presence and of our joy in His presence. In these words we ask God to allow us to depart in peace, that peace which comes from having seen His salvation in the presence of Jesus. These words are the words spoken by … [Read more…]
What is the Distribution? It is when the members come forward to receive the Sacrament, in which we receive the body and blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and strengthening of faith. We kneel before the altar in reverence to God. What does it have to do with our worship? The reception of … [Read more…]
What are the Words of Institution? They are the account in God’s Word of Jesus’ instituting the Sacrament of the Altar. In these words, Christ comes into our midst with His body and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine. What does it have to do with our worship? The institution and reception … [Read more…]
What is the Lord’s Prayer? The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer Jesus taught us in response to the request, “Lord, teach us to pray.” It is a gift from Jesus to His church. This prayer contains, in simple form, our confession and requests to God. What does it have to do with our worship? Using … [Read more…]
What is the Sanctus? The word “Sanctus” comes from the Latin word for “holy.” The first words of the Sanctus are “holy, holy, holy.” The Sanctus joins the song of heaven found in Isaiah 6 with the song of the saints on earth sung on Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:9). Heaven and earth join together in … [Read more…]
What are the Preface and Proper Preface? They are preparation for the institution of the Sacrament of the Altar. The Preface is three short interactive responses between the pastor and the congregation (The Lutheran Hymnal p. 24). The Proper Preface is the preparation prayer appropriate for each season. Each Proper Preface begins the same way … [Read more…]