Our Worship – Lesson 19 – Confirmation

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is when people confirm that they believe the faith of the Scriptures.  There is a process of instruction for others to learn the substance of the faith, after which they are given the opportunity to confirm that they believe it before the congregation.  They are thus received as communicant members of the congregation, able to receive the Sacrament of the Altar.

What does it mean to our worship?

We gather for worship as one body of believers, united by the confession of faith found in God’s Word.  Part of the expression of that unity is our reception of the Sacrament in our worship service.

What does the Bible say about Confirmation?

Scripture does not speak of the rite of Confirmation, but it does speak volumes about confessing our faith.  It also speaks of being faithful to the teachings of Scripture.  This is the essence of Confirmation; that we learn the one true faith and confess it before each other.


Sing some of the following hymns from Lutheran Service Book: 683, 687, 688, 689, 693, 694, 696, 700, 702

Object Lesson

Discuss the questions answered by the parents and sponsors at Baptism.  Then discuss the Confirmation vows and show them that those participating in Confirmation are confirming the faith into which they were baptized.


O grant that nothing in my soul may dwell, but Thy pure love alone; oh, may Thy love possess me whole, my joy, my treasure, and my crown!  All coldness from my heart remove; my every act, word, thought be love.  Amen.