Our Worship – Lesson 37 – The Collect

What is the Collect?

The word “Collect” comes from the Gallican liturgy, and stands for a collection of petitions of God’s people.  It came to be a summary prayer regarding the readings and service theme for the day.  It is preceded by the words, “The Lord be with you, and with your spirit.”  This is an expression of a special relationship between the pastor and members in Christ.  God’s people, led by their pastor, participate in the blessings of God expressed in worship.

What does the Collect have to do with our worship?

The Collect sums up our thoughts as we prepare to hear God’s Word.  It is our way of asking God to meet our needs through His Word, which is about to be read. 

What does the Bible say about this?

The Bible is full of prayers.  Here are some examples.

  Psalm 3 – David prays for deliverance from his enemies.

  Psalm 4 – David prays for peace and security.

  Psalm 22 – A prophetic prayer of the Messiah.

  Psalm 51 – A prayer of forgiveness.

  Matthew 6:9-13 – Jesus teaches us the Lord’s Prayer.

  Matthew 26:39-42 – Jesus prays about His death.

  John 17 – Jesus prays for His followers.


 As you pray for specific things, remind each other that the Collect is our prayer of preparation to hear God’s message for the day.  Sing these hymns from Lutheran Service Book and identify what you are praying about: 537, 618, 708, 774, 783, 878, 917.

Object Lesson

 Point out that we pray before the meal.  Teach that the Word of God is the food for our souls and that we pray the Collect as we prepare to hear God’s message for that day.  The Collect is intended to help us be ready to hear the special message God has for us that Sunday.


Lord, we thank You for Your precious Word that teaches us about Jesus and all He has done for us.  Help us to hear Your Word each day, receive Your grace into our hearts by faith, and to live in the light of Your grace.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.