Our Worship – Lesson 38 – Scripture Readings

What are the scripture readings?

The scripture readings are those sections of the Word of God chosen for each particular Sunday.  They are organized in such a way so that the various teachings of Scripture are regularly presented to God’s people.  These lessons include a reading from the Old Testament (or Acts at certain times), the Epistle (New Testament letters to the church), and the Gospel (the words and actions of Jesus).

What do these readings have to do with our worship?

They are the focal point of the first part of our worship.  The first part of worship is the service of the Word.  That reaches its climax in the reading of the Gospel.  In the early church the Gospel was read from the middle of the congregation as a reminder that Christ was in our midst.  The portion of the service of the Word that follows the readings (Creed, Sermon, Offertory, Prayers) is all response to the readings, particularly the Gospel.

What does the Bible say about this?

  Psalm 119:105 – “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”

  John 8:31-32 – Jesus calls us to the freedom found in His Word.

  Romans 1:16-17 – Paul is not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God to save.

  Colossians 3:16 – Paul points out the blessings of God’s Word dwelling in us.

  2 Timothy 3:16-17 – Paul shows us the many blessings of God’s Word.

  Revelation 22:18-19 – John cautions against adding to or taking from the Word of God.


Put various bible passages up in your home.  Remind each other that this is God speaking to us.  You may also want to sing the following hymns from Lutheran Service Book:  523, 582, 655, 923

Object Lesson

Get a book.  Point out that the book is the words of whoever the author is.  Then show the Bible.  Tell them that the Bible is God’s Word.  Remind them that we hear the Word of God in worship, Sunday School and other times.  Every time we hear from the Bible, we are hearing what God says to us.


Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word; Curb those who by deceit and sword would wrest the kingdom from Your Son and bring to naught all He has done.  Amen.