What are the Preface and Proper Preface?
They are preparation for the institution of the Sacrament of the Altar. The Preface is three short interactive responses between the pastor and the congregation (The Lutheran Hymnal p. 24). The Proper Preface is the preparation prayer appropriate for each season. Each Proper Preface begins the same way (It is truly meet, right and salutary . . .) and concludes with the phrase which begins, “Therefore with angels and archangels, and with all the company of heaven. . . .”
What do they have to do with our worship?
The Preface and Proper Preface serve to prepare us for the presence of Christ in the Sacrament. It is also pointed out in each Proper Preface that we join the host of heaven (angels, archangels, all the company of heaven) in the celebration of the marriage feast of the Lamb going on there. Hearing these words of God’s grace and action toward us makes us ready to receive Him in His body and blood.
What does the Bible have to say about this?
1 Corinthians 11:28-29 – Paul encourages us to examine ourselves as we prepare to receive the body and blood of Jesus.
Revelation 5 – All the host of heaven (saints and angels) gather around the throne of heaven as the Lamb who was slain takes His rightful place.
Revelation 7 – All the host of heaven are gathered to praise Jesus.
Revelation 19:7-9 – God brings the marriage feast of the Lamb to His bride (the church).
When the Sacrament is going to be offered on Sunday, find ways to prepare beforehand. It may be in your prayers, or in your devotions. There are suggestions in the hymnal. The pastor may have others. You may also want to thank God in your prayers for joining our celebration with the marriage feast of the Lamb in heaven. Here are some suggested hymns to help: Lutheran Service Book; 622, 628, 676, 677.
Object Lesson
Have your family set the table for a meal. Teach them that they are preparing to receive the meal that has been provided. Then point out the portions of the service discussed this week. Teach them that we are preparing to receive the special meal God has provided.
Lord, we thank You for the love You sent in Jesus. Help us to prepare to receive Him in the meal You have provided. Thank You for this wondrous gift. In Jesus’ name. Amen.