What is the season of Epiphany?
Epiphany is the season between Christmas and Lent. It begins with the celebration of the day of Epiphany, the arrival of the Magi in Bethlehem, where they found the answer to the question, “Where is He who is born King of the Jews?”. The season is one where we behold Jesus’ life and miracles, the revelation of “The Word made flesh” in our midst.
What does Epiphany mean to our worship?
Our worship is a celebration of the presence of Jesus among us. Epiphany reminds us of the impact of His life on our lives, and those of believers everywhere. We celebrate His Baptism and our own. We take comfort in His overcoming the temptations of Satan, and the grace He gives us in our struggle with temptation. We celebrate his miraculous blessings to those in His day, and the continuous miracle of grace and faith that He continues in us.
What does the Bible say about Epiphany?
Scripture is our source of the events and miracles we celebrate during the Epiphany season. Jesus’ baptism, fight with Satan, miracles and teachings lead all people to the solution of where to find God and what God has done for us. He showed that He is God and man, so that we would know His death and resurrection was God’s plan for our salvation.
We don’t get to sing Epiphany hymns for long, so make the most of it. Some suggestions from Lutheran Service Book include 394, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 412.
Object Lesson
Talk to your family about the possibility of letting you in the house. How would they know it is you? What are some things that they would use to positively know it is you. Epiphany is a time when we focus on things that identified Jesus as God our Savior. He fulfilled Scripture by the things He said and did, showing He is God, the promised Messiah. When we get to Lent/Easter and the story of salvation, we know this is God saving us.
Jesus, once with sinners numbered, full obedience was Your path; You by death, have consecrated water in this saving bath; dying to the sin of Adam, rising to a life of grace; we are counted with the righteous, over us the cross You trace. (Lutheran Service Book 405, v 4)