Our Worship – Lesson 9 – Green Paraments

Why do we have green paraments?

Green is the color of growth.  Green paraments are used in the seasons of Epiphany and Pentecost.  Epiphany is the time when Jesus is revealed through His teaching and miracles.  This causes many to come to faith, and others to have their faith strengthened.  The season of Pentecost is the season where the Holy Spirit causes growth of the Church through the proclamation of the Gospel.  It is also a season where we emphasize the growth of believers through the promised power found in the Word and the Sacraments.

What do green paraments mean to our worship?

In worship, God comes among us with the blessings of His Word and the Sacraments, and uses them to strengthen our faith.  Our faith is expressed in prayers, praise, and confession of faith.  Having been so blessed in our worship, we are empowered to confess our faith to others, inviting them to attend worship to hear the saving Gospel of Jesus.

What does the Bible say about green paraments?

Scripture says nothing about green paraments, but it says plenty about lives touched by the grace of Christ.  It speaks of His miracles impacting lives and showing that He is the promised Messiah.  It tells us about the power of the Holy Spirit changing lives by the spreading of the Gospel (Acts 2ff).  It tells of God’s people sowing the seed of the Gospel and God providing the increase.


To help emphasize our growth in grace you may want to sing the following hymns from the Lutheran Service Book: 577, 578, 584, 587, 589, 839, 879, 922, 923

Object Lesson

Point out the how things that grow in nature are green (grass, leaves, etc.)  Green is a color of life and growth.  God gives us life, and causes growth in grace and faith, through the message of Jesus that gives faith( life), and strengthens it.


Almighty Father bless the Word which through Your grace we now have heard.  O may the precious seed take root, spring up and bear abundant fruit.  Amen